Schools to declare their candidates for the 2015 Yangtze River Scholars Award scheme

On June 12, the personnel division of the Ministry of Education issued "on the proper candidates for the year 2015" for the Yangtze River Scholar Award. Universities and institutes are invited to make public their candidates for 2015 ( [2015] Form No. 216). Further assistance in the selection of candidates for the job, the relevant policies were interpreted.

1.2015 year of the "Changjiang Scholar Rewards Program" what do the reform measures mean?

2015 "Yangtze River Scholar Award” program continues to focus on the selection of cluster teams of scientists and other academics with influence in the international academic discipline and former military personnel to increase the tilt towards the Midwestern university policy, highlighting the support offered to training of top-notch youth. Mainly there are three aspects of the reform initiatives: one is a relaxation of the age criteria from the east to the west for the candidates for the Changjiang Scholar Professor positions. The relaxation can go as far as two years. The second is the position of Professor for projects for the Midwest and northeast regions in Colleges and universities. The third is to set up a special branch of the Yangtze River Scholar Award Program ," Young Scholars".

2 What do the reforms refer to when they talk about a relaxation from the east to the west for the Yangtze River Scholar candidate age limit?

Distributions of high level talents in Colleges and universities from the overall situation, at this stage, shows a higher concentration in the eastern regions, the western regions facing problems such as high-level talent shortage, serious brain drain, and the total number of high-level talents in Colleges and universities cannot adapt to the demand for regional economic and social development. To promote the rational flow of talent at high administrative levels, and further optimize the allocation of human resources, the authorities decided relaxing the age criteria for the "Yangtze River Scholar Award". This however, does not imply a reduction of the academic standards under this premise, but rather gives western universities opportunities to hire candidates creating a balance with their eastern counterparts.

3 What is the main consideration in adjusting the scope of this program?

Since the implementation of the "Yangtze River Scholar Award" recruitment scheme, oriented at hiring young elite at home and abroad, our national universities have reported significant contribution in both personnel training and scientific research output. The establishment of the "Professor Project", in particular, attracted a large number of international advanced-level academic masters and academic leaders. The Project greatly promoted the creation of high-level talent teams and improved the academic position of colleges and universities in China in the global ratings providing them with competitive strength. Since the implementation of the national People Plan, the scale of recruitment and the overseas talent joining Chinese academic institutions increased significantly. Taking into account the limited number of talents attracted by mid-western universities and the difficulties encountered by these universities in attracting overseas talent the new reforms are aimed at helping these regional universities towards successfully recruiting high-level talent and further enhancing their international influence and external communication skills. Among the difficulties there are: problems with adjustment to the lifestyle or university policies, difficulty in the implementation of the Professor Project and limited resources available.

4 Why is the establishment of the "Young Scholars Project" needed?

In the recent years the national scientific research investment increased as young scholars undertake more research projects and target research funding channels, but the talent plans providing research funding support, cannot effectively tackle the youth talent development pressure since it proves simply too large. Lower job satisfaction and overall small salaries, coped with the pressures of work and life pose significant issues. In the recent years, some NPC and CPPCC proposals also offered help for young, talented personnel. Finally, "About creating a contingent of young teachers in Colleges and universities" (teacher [2012]10,) clearly sets up the "Young Scholars Program", to guide young teachers overcome impatient mentality and the utilitarian tendency, help them devote to an academic life, ensuring they are funded to continuously improve their teaching and scientific research levels and enhance professionally. At the same time, the policy is aimed at pushing universities into creating a proper environment for top talents.

5 What are the specific requirements for submitting applications?

For this year's candidates, we insist on strengthening the norms, respecting a strict management, in accordance with the principle of "whoever recommends, is also responsible for", in the recruitment selection process. In regards to the quality of candidates here are some clear requirements:

  • 1. availability to work full time at the recruiting colleges and universities – further notifications to Beijing are not required;

  • 2. high school organized relevant experts or the Academic Council of the university needs to be involved in the selection process, the preferred or recommended candidates, and the required documents, academic moral and political tendency must be observed. The Party committee in colleges and universities needs to strictly grasp the standard of political candidates;

  • 3. the selected candidates are made public. Should there be objections during this phase of the process, the college/ university must carefully organize an investigation. The professors or universities who are unable to fulfill their duties and process candidates according to these recommendations, will be removed from the program the following year.

Updated the 4th of June 2015